How to survive the collapse of civilisation

How to survive the collapse of civilisation

How to survive the collapse of civilisation

How to survive the collapse of civilisation

In 2008 leading experts met to discuss the likelihood of having to survive the collapse of civilisation in near history. They found there was a 20% chance of circumstances leading to a major catastrophic event before 2100.

It is easy to raise an eyebrow and sneer at such a seemingly ridiculous idea! Many people simply do not realise just how delicate modern infrastructural systems are. Many of us have grown used to living in an era of history with relative safety and calm.


Younger generations especially in the west could not conceive an hour without social media let alone food shortages. Modern living has allowed us to live within a warm, cosy bubble separated from the natural world. Contrary to the notion of many, healthy ecological systems is what human survival depends upon.

Our potential vulnerability stems from the fact we rely on the exploitation of natural systems from far away lands. Our capitalist society with its mass produced supply chains and nucleated densities creates an illusion of stability and comfort. The rapid growth and development of our economies and living standards in the past 60 years has been extraordinary. The question is could we survive the collapse of civilisation as we know it?

collapse of civilisation

Competition for natural resources

Such a rapid transformation has ultimately been due to an aggressive consumption of natural resources. Such consumption now also matched by emerging global economies is catalysing ecological degradation of gigantean proportions. With the world’s population heading for 9 billion the question is when will the breaking point occur?

When levels of natural resources can no longer support civilisation there will be no solution! It will be too late! Modern human supply chains are already at such a vulnerable point. It would only take relatively minor occurrences to lead to a collapse of our infrastructure.


Many argue that we are far too intelligent a species to allow this to happen. The problem is the precursors to such a collapse will build up over multiple decades. No man made systems can escape from the simple laws of natural balance forever! If we learned one thing from the financial crash of 2008 mankind has a remarkable knack of walking blindly into crisis!

Whichever way you look at the sustainability of modern human civilisation some fundamental stumbling blocks are clear. All food production, Industry, economy, transportation and military all need readily available supplies of oil to even exist. Oil is a limited natural resource and as the years go by global demand increases.

Human’s beings require food, water and shelter for survival. How much longer will modern infrastructure be able to provide this? The fact remains that our current population and civilisation

built upon natural exploitation will have to collapse at some point the question is when?


Economic collapse

Every aspect of our modern infrastructure is driven by economic interests. Money is the lifeblood of all modern human civilisations. It is a regularly held belief that our governments will save us from complete economic self destruction. The crash of the 1920’s and 2008 showed us that even wealthy economies are not as robust as we wish them to be. Society has become used to cheap credit leading to asset inflation and record levels of debt.

economic collapse

Most of our infrastructural operations are controlled by private enterprise and business. All investment and business confidence relies on the expectation debt will be paid. Since 2008 monetary policy has attempted to avoid a complete collapse of the global economy. With zero interest rates and amounts of monetary stimulation we have merely patched up a failing system. Current economic policy has allowed equity bubbles to inflate while real time wages are fall.

Housing for the population has become investment chips for the wealthy leading to a young generation of renters. This is driving a greater distance between rich and poor reducing social mobility. These factors feed into greater economic hardship for the masses leading to future distrust and social unrest.

social unrest

There are numerous scenarios where by a series of economic shocks could spark a downward spiral. This could lead to irreversible economic collapse causing infrastructural supply chains to dissolve.

Social unrest

Civil unrest is when a certain level of dissatisfaction within the powers at be manifests itself into public expressions of anger. This is consequently seen in the form of rioting and violence on the streets. Usually levels of social unrest are low enough to eventually be contained but this is not always so. The general rise in living standards and wealth over past decades has led to general contentment within society.

Evidence shows we are much worst off today than 10 years ago. Declining real term wealth and soaring housing prices are becoming a huge problem especially amongst the young. Social unrest is becoming more common especially in European countries. Public disorder in serious cases can lead to a dysfunctional population with the eventual boycotting of the economy.



Normally when we think of terrorism we expect explosive devices detonating in public places. The past decade has seen a dramatic rise in terrorism especially within western society. 9/11 showed us that with some organisation and planning terrorist organisations can bring massive trauma to major cities. Suicide bombings and car bombs are a very real concern of modern day living but it doesn’t end there.

Terrorism does not just have to be implemented with traditional explosives. Large scale terrorist attack is deliverable via chemical agents and biological weapons. By infiltrating major services such as water supplies and food products sophisticated terror attacks can be catastrophic to civilisation. With political uncertainties and a rise in modern extremist ideological group’s mass terrorism is an ongoing threat.



Unfortunately in history mankind has never been very far from military conflict. Since the age we could carry a spear humans have murdered, raped and pillaged our fellow kind. Many have theorised that our ancestral similarity to Chimpanzees have helped explain these warring characteristics. Chimpanzees compete for survival by forming war parties which aim to search and destroy neighbouring troops.

After the last Great War in the 1940’s many hoped the days of great conflicts are over. However with natural resources becoming more overstretched war in the foreseeable future is likely. Some have suggested that nuclear weapons have actually kept the world a more stable place. In the past 80 years since WW2 powerful nations have found themselves within a nuclear stalemate. With the power to destroy the earth many times over global war means no real victory for any side.

Judging by mankind’s historical track record however there is always the chance of war. Some theorise that as great wars become distant memories the horror is forgotten. This can lead to a recurring cycle of war every human lifetime. War being either international or civil could certainly bring about the end of civilisation.

war collapse


The early 20th century saw the discovery and subsequent mass use of antibiotics to fight bacterial infection. This combined with the development of vaccinations and an understanding of hygiene led to a human population explosion. For millennia the arms race between disease and our immune systems kept a natural equilibrium in perfect balance. Human resistance to bacterial and viral infection has dramatically reduced in the past century. With populations living within sterile environments even human resistance to allergies has begun to diminish.

Due to rapid reproductive capabilities of bacteria these have started to evolve resistance to antibiotic medicines. It is thought that within the next 50 years most of our antibiotics will become ineffective. So far we have managed to keep global pandemics from wiping out large percentages of the human population. Eventually an untreatable pandemic will hit the question is when? Such a highly likely scenario could certainly lead to the collapse of civilisation as we know it.


Oil depletion

Many are led to believe that one day fossil fuels will no longer be needed and all the worlds energy will come from renewables. The problem with this idea is that it assumes all we require from fossil fuels is electrical energy. This is quite simply false! All modern intensive, agriculture which feeds the human population requires soil nutrients. There are three basic nutrients that of which all plants require to grow; Nitrates, Potassium and Phosphates. During the Middle Ages fertility was ensured by a system called crop rotation.

This would allow using lesser hungry crops every year until a plot was drained of nutrients. This led to regeneration periods of land being left fallow with nitrogen fixing plants to build fertility back over time. So why is it modern farming can grow crops year after year on the same fields? Modern, intensive agriculture does not use ‘natural’ means to fertilise crops. Modern agriculture applies the use of synthetic fertilisers which chemically create nitrates, potassium and phosphates. These synthetic fertilisers are completely manufactured from oil. The cataclysmic equations here being, no oil no food!

Combine harvester

Oil depletion alone could starve the current world population to a fraction of what it is today.

Most medical supplies, packaging and plastics in every day materials are also completely reliant on oil. Renewable forms of electricity production are useless if they are built within an oil fuelled economy. The high powered combustion engines which service our economies would no longer exist one oil runs out. Oil depletion is going to happen and when it does modern human civilisation will collapse. Current estimates predict oil depletion will occur in around 60 years time.

What would the collapse of civilisation look like?

If civilisation as we now know it collapsed tomorrow what would happen? Banks would soon close, access to investments and internet banking would cease. High density urban areas would be hit with the negative effects instantaneously. Supermarket shelves would be emptied and lawless free for all conditions would ensue. Soon water and electricity supplies would run sparse probably only lasting a week or maybe two at best. At this point there would be mass hysteria and panic.


At this point towns would turn into extremely dangerous environments to be. As fresh water is no longer available urban centres would become unhygienic and unsanitary. Dehydration would start to weaken the population, followed by disease. About three weeks after mains water is cut vast percentages of the urban population would die out. After mass panic, violence and disease in a relatively short space of time some will make it to open countryside. Within one year most large towns and cities would be completely empty of people.

Suburban areas would have a better chance of lasting longer but they would ultimately need drinking water. Violent gangs would soon work their way out of towns to loot people’s property for supplies. Sub urban sprawls would be safer from the initial panic but would then suffer a more drawn out battle. The surviving populations in these areas would form protective clans. The suburbs would become sparsely populated with aggressive tribes of ever deteriorating physical condition.


Self sufficient farming for survival

Country people would not be completely immune to the challenges of urban dwellers. They would however have the main advantage of being further away from other people. Resourceful, rural communities with access to clean drinking water would have a chance of survival. These would have to be further than three weeks trek from large urban centres.

Rural people would have to start farming and foraging for food. It must be stressed that even these communities would struggle to last indefinitely. Those who live on the edge of civilisation knowing self sufficient practices would be expected to last beyond five years. In most developed nations this would be an extremely low percentage of people.


At the five year mark most open fields would resemble dense scrubland. Wild animals and feral farm animals would naturalise within a new, wilder landscape. By ten years in the future most developed countries would be covered in young woodlands. The human population would now be around 0.3 % of the amount at the start of the collapse. The landscape would consist of small, medieval farming villages of tough and physically robust agricultural communities.

Many have theorised what the collapse of human civilisation would look like. There is no absolute, certain way to tell exactly how this would play out. The scenarios described here however have been put forward as the most likely situation.


If you are hopelessly depressed from the scenarios played out above acknowledging these realities is a huge step forward. It is our duty to analyse our impact on the planet, our fundamental needs and how we can prepare for the worst. The harsh reality is our lifestyles, choices and diets all put a burden on the planet and all other species we depend upon. There are many things you can do to prepare for the collapse of civilisation now. These can be the difference between life and death for you and your family. Why not check out our article on essential wild survival back pack equipment here. 

Bushcraft wild camping equipment

Simply by having some simple protocols in place and knowledge you can give you peace of mind. By analysing the sustainability of your current situation you will understand the consequences of your life choices. This will at least educate you on the risks of relying on the oil economy for your family’s survival. Surviving the collapse of civilisation is possible but you will need knowledge and change how and where you live. We have broken down the preparation categories for how to survive the collapse of civilisation below.


In the preparation for the end of civilisation if you survive or thrive will ultimately depend on your location. If you are contemplating preparation there are many things consequently you will have to consider. In the event of collapse it is best to be located at least an hour’s drive from major population centres. In addition you should be at least 20 minutes drive from main roads and human settlements.

Eco home

Being off the beaten path is really the best option and you will need a productive, healthy environment. To reach this scenario before a collapse you will either already live this way or buy a rural property. This requires a large investment unless you have already inherited such a situation.

Self sufficient farming

It is a fact that remote, rural, homestead families proficient in self sufficient practices have the best chance of survival. In reality the collapse of civilisation will not really affect homesteaders as long as they have a clean water supply.

The perfect situation is to end up within small communities of mixed farmland with wetlands and wild woodland. Fishing, hunting, and farming practices therefore can go hand in hand to provide an abundant lifestyle. If you do not have the luxury of owning such a property realise a civilisation collapse would dissolve land ownership. If you initially survive you will have to claim a site and then start building a homestead. In addition to this you will have to learn all the skills of sustainable farming which could take decades. The best option is to develop these now while we still have the internet and available building materials.


Whether you plan long term or surviving the first few weeks of turmoil your climatic region will have an impact on your long term survival prospects.


Polar environments are often very remote and perfect for avoiding mobs of people searching for food. The Eskimos and Inuit tribes of the world have survived in these climates for centuries. The problem with this idea is these tribes have become physically adapted to these environments. Minus 40 degree temperatures and a diet of seal blubber would probably result in death for many modern populations. This is not to mention the incredible amount of hunting skill and know how you would need to survive.



Mountainous environments also have the advantage of being out of reach for people. Mountains are a great to hide the first months of collapse but for longevity are not as sustainable. The amount of food availability will depend on what part of the globe you are residing. Mountainous parts of tropical zones will provide abundant ecosystems for resources.

Edible plants such as fruits and tubers will be readily available. Hunting will also be an option. Tropical areas are also rife with poisonous creatures, deadly diseases and parasites. Most mountainous regions will be rugged and cold environments. The biggest advantage here is having ample amounts of fresh drinking water. Fishing and hunting would have to be the primary source of food in these environments.

wilderness camp fire

These activities require much skill to master and being prepared would be essential. These regions typically are home to large wild predators. In a collapse these would increase in number and many would become used to human flesh. You may also become the hunted in mountainous environments this would be a tough existence.

Northern forests

Northern forests are the great pine forests of North America, Europe and Russia. In the event of a collapse like mountains they would be broadly free of people. Although these regions are rich in food and game there is not a wide variety of plant food for humans. Animals like bears have to cover large distances eating hundreds of nuts, berries and tubers to support themselves. Only humans extremely knowledgeable in the art of hunting and foraging would do well here.

Wild camping in woodlands

In the southern regions of these areas warm clearings could provide opportunities for farming. Cutting out areas of forest and creating large glades grazing goats and raising livestock could be a possibility. By building up fertility in these areas crops could be grown but the growing season would be short. Large predators would probably linger in the shadows at night trying to take your animals.

Temperate broad leaf forests

Historically felled for farmland in Europe but more extensive in the USA and Russia these are rich in biodiversity. These woodlands are not too cold in the winter and warm in summer. These woodlands can provide food in the form of large game, small mammals, birds, plants and fungi. To survive here however you will require knowledge and skill. By coppicing and combining grazing, hunting and agro forestry you could survive reasonably comfortably.

Temperate forests regenerate quickly meaning after the collapse of civilisation they could re-establish within 10 years. Initially these areas would be roamed by gangs of people looting farms for food. The warmer climates would be more favourable than the northern forests but would still be challenging for survival.


Grasslands are expansive landscapes of meadows which cover large areas of the world. These areas are usually grazed by large game animals that migrate with the seasons. Wild grazers can be hunted but are extremely hard to catch and move around throughout the year. During the collapse of civilisation current expansive areas of intensive farming would become grasslands within a year. As desperate people loot farm animals for food some will escape and establish wild, feral populations.

Within a few years the landscape would become a patchwork of scrub and meadow. These new habitats would be widely grazed by feral animals which could be hunted and farmed. I expect these would be favourable places for other tribes and competition for good hunting grounds would be high.


Dry Arid Lands

Dry arid landscapes will be rich in warm temperatures and sunlight but low in water. During a collapse modern water supplies would be cut off. Only places of natural, unpolluted watercourses will supply the potential for life. Nomadic tribes with ancient knowledge of the landscape and suitable livestock will survive. In the future small farming communities who create irrigation channels would be able to support themselves. Hunter gatherers in these zones will also make a living.



Tropical environments are a much more optimal temperature for human survival. This gives the advantage of not having to rely on fuel for heating in winter. These warm environments are usually covered in forests and full of biodiversity. Dense vegetation will make it easy to hide indeed there are still undiscovered human tribes living today in these environments.

A vast array of edible fruits and nuts make tropical forests a potential Eden. A very big disadvantage of tropical forests is ambush predators, disease, poisonous creatures, parasites and warring tribes. Local and usually ancient tribal knowledge is commonly vital for survival here.



Apart from the benefit from being far from other people there are not particularly many advantages of desert environments. If you do have water its supply is susceptible to droughts and little vegetation means food availability is low. A nomadic camel grazer could survive however this niche would probably be taken!


In a world of economic collapse it would be a great dream to believe we would all pull together. Past catastrophic events unfortunately have shown this is probably highly unlikely. A lack of law and order will unleash all suppressed and bad intentions within the population.

gun defence

Even without this, shear desperation would force people to steal and even murder for basic commodities. Many people are against the idea of guns within society. In a collapse situation personally I would want a fire arm! Just by firing off a shot would deter many from trying to steal from you and your family. Guns for defence and later for initial hunting would be crucial for defence against mobs. I would say first fire arms and secondly bow and arrows.

Any weapon which can stop you coming into physical contact with aggressors is the best option. Knifes and machetes increase your chance of injury which could prove fatal in a collapse.
The ultimate method of defence is to start out in a hidden, rural location with fortification. Rural communities which implement fortified villages will be well fed, organised and prepared for attack.

Bow hunting

Having said this unorganised, starving mobs probably would not have the energy or will power to trek to these locations. In my personal opinion being armed with either a fire arm or bow would be a great advantage. Multiple rounds or means of making them would ensure hunting opportunities later. Having defensive weapons like these although politically unpopular could be essential survive the collapse of civilisation


As discussed earlier the most important thing for survival would be a drinkable water supply. If you intend to barricade yourself for the first few weeks you will need about a gallon per day per person. In the end you are going to have to rely on some fresh sources of water from somewhere. In the developed world many water courses would not be ideal for drinking unless it is at least been boiled first.


During a collapse normal toilets would not work therefore increasing a risk of sewage pollution to water courses. The closer you are to clean, natural even mountainous environments the better.
There are some products which can aid you to store water, collect it and purify it when in the wild! We have put together some of these here. Lifestraw water purifier Purification tablets on Amazon.


Without wanting to panic everyone anymore than what I already have you should stock pile some rations. This does not need to be anything elaborate. Here you just need to be able to store high energy, light weight food that can be hydrated.

The best foods are those which contain high levels of carbohydrate and starches. Large bags of brown rice and lentils are probably the best for this. They will give you a high energy food that can last in dry storage for many years. Also stock piling essentials such as medical supplies will come in handy in a crisis situation.

Physical conditioning

Being in good physical condition as well as being good for all aspects of our lives is vital when trying to survive the apocalypse. Not only are you going to have to carry all your kit with you most of the time but also food and water too. Most modern people do not realise what a toll living out of civilisation has on your body.

From personal experience being exposed to cold temperatures you can burn an amazing amount of calories. The extremes of wild living combined with stress and hunger can be a deadly mix. Being physically fit and strong can be achieved by everyone if the will is there. A good six month training scheme and disciplined diet can achieve life changing results. Physical conditioning is essential to give you the best chance to survive the collapse of civilisation.


One of the main factors that will dictate your long term survival is knowledge. Stockpiling resources and having the perfect homestead is fine but without the correct knowledge you are doomed. Knowledge of how to extract the most amounts of calories from your surroundings with minimal effort is the ultimate aim.

Examples of this knowledge include identifying wild foods, how to breed livestock, butchery, seed collection and hunting. Having the correct knowledge of these fundamental skills is the difference between starvation and self sufficient abundance. The strange irony is that at this current moment all this knowledge is readily available in books.

When the economic crash happens it will not be able for reference unless you already live in isolated homesteads. Below I have left a selection of the best reference books for the best knowledge on how to survive the collapse of civilisation.

Agro forestry for survival

Creating a forest Garden

SAS Survival

SAS Survival Guide


The Homesteading Handbook

Foraging wild food


Going after animals has always been within the human’s arsenal for survival. It is no wonder that people to this day hunt for recreation. As humans have hunted many majestic species to near extinction hunting has become rather unpopular. It has also been realised that a diet high in animal flesh can be bad for our health. Having said this in survival situations hunting could be essential!

Hunting with a gun, bow, traps or even spear requires much skill and patience. This will have to be acquired before a crisis or developed after surviving the initial collapse. Stalking prey animals probably would become an important part of how to survive the collapse of civilisation.



Fishing can be a vital way of collecting food in a survival situation. There are many examples of coastal communities around the world of which fishing makes up a large proportion of their food. If you are intending on surviving a collapse near rivers, lakes or the sea fishing can be a great way to feed yourself. Some homesteaders create large ponds on their land exclusively for raising fish for food. At the very least a survival bag with a collection of hooks and fishing line could be a wise idea just in case.

Fishing survival


Foraging involves the identification of wild edibles and collecting them for food. If carried out successfully in an abundant landscape foraging can provide you and your family with ample food. Wild plants, fungi, insects, invertebrates and amphibians can all be on the menu. This kind of eating could be vital for surviving the collapse of civilisation! To forage effectively you will require a reasonable amount of knowledge. Here is a link to a useful book which can get you started. Food for free.

Foraging for mushrooms


Before the industrial revolution most people across the world were farmers. They had no television, fancy cars or expensive gadgets but they did have food security. They also had what most healthy small farming communities have across the world today; strong dependable family relationships and a generally happy existence.

Many urbanites think that because small farming villages don’t have much material wealth they are unhappy. This actually could not be further than the truth. A publication entitled ‘Blue Zones’ conducted a study on the top ten places in the world where people regularly lived past 100. Based on a series of criteria it was also discovered these locations boasted also the happiest and healthiest people in the world.

All of these locations were effectively within regions of small farming communities. It discovered a combination of organic diet, access to nature, physical labour and strong, family bonds was the recipe for success. Whether a hunter gatherer or self sufficient farming community could living in ecological balance be the key to happiness and health? It is no surprise that the best way to survive the collapse of civilisation is self sufficient farming communities.

Growing crops

Growing crops is an essential part of being a small, self sufficient farmer. One of the main skills you will have to develop is medieval farming techniques. One of these will be crop rotation! This consists of growing a series of crops in annual succession to get the most productivity out of your soil. Animal husbandry systems such as using manure and ploughing the ground will have to be developed.

Keeping livestock

Keeping livestock will give you access to animal proteins and fats for your diet. Some animals are more sustainable than others. Some of the best for a small farmer are ducks, chickens, rabbits and goats. Chickens will forage around the farm all day eating pests and worms. Such activities will give you a readily supply of eggs and meat. Animals like rabbits will breed rapidly on a very basic diet of wild plants and grasses. Rabbits are a great meat animal but will need a sturdy enclosure. Humans have worked with small productive animals like these for millennia. They turn low value vegetation and pests into tasty eggs and meat for us to enjoy.



Permaculture is an environmental design system based on ecological ethics. Its processes regenerate ecosystems providing productive, abundant landscapes for humans and nature. The system is based on the idea of a forest harvesting the suns energy on multiple levels. This allows the farmer to grow many crops in one given space in a naturalistic setting. Permaculture focuses on planting perennial crops which are productive year after year.

Foraged nuts

This creates a landscape of permanently cropping woodland, scrubland, grazing meadows and allotments. The whole landscape is designed for maximum efficiency including a sustainable relationship with the home. There are living examples of these systems which can produce double the food per hectare than of modern agriculture.

Permaculture systems have been seen as the future for mankind’s sustainable future on earth. We have included a recommended book on Permaculture here.

Become a leader

Modern humans have enabled their arrogance over the natural world to lead them to the brink of extinction. The pursuit of greed and greatness has lead mankind to ignore fundamental rules of ecological balance. Native tribes to this day live as a part of nature while western cultures have trampled over it. Our current society encourages bullish and narcissistic traits in our leaders that only think for the short term.

Most hunter gatherer leaders were always influenced by wise tribal elders and shamans. To survive the collapse of civilisation humanity will require a new type of leader. They will be a leader of peace, reflection, respect and have a greater understanding of the natural world.

tribal hunting

Build a community

When looking forward after the collapse of civilisation it will be important to have friends and neighbours with common ideologies of the world. At first it will be easy to see everyone as a potential enemy. However as the years go by a natural separation within our species will occur. The strongest, healthiest, most knowledgeable and prepared people will survive sharing a common interest.

People will want to build alliances and friendships coming together in self sufficient communities. People can trade local commodities and work together to develop new skills and refine existing ones. There would be a hope that building new, sustainable communities would revere the human failures of the past. To build a community which lives within its means and that works with nature and not against it.

Tribal people

Have a belief system

It has been recognised that people with strong, spiritual belief systems lead happier and more fulfilling lives. Many modern religions have become vehicles for political motives and have always been spun to benefit elite establishments. Many true, believers in all religions find inner peace from spiritual contact with a god or multiple entities.

This is spiritualism in its purest form and can be interpreted in many ways being very personal to the individual. Perhaps like tribal religions we will inject a concept of natural balance into our communities once again. Why would a god wish destruction of his own creations? If humans can destroy themselves within only 200 years of industrialism should we now start a fresh?

Our connection with nature has been stolen from us by modern living and the lust for ever greater financial wealth. Even though this wealth comes at the price of impoverishing most of the world! However catastrophic the collapse of civilisation to us it will simply be Mother Nature rebalancing the system. Perhaps our new belief systems will take more account of the gods of nature once again.

Native tribes

The Future

At the present moment there are a number of theories on what the next twenty years will bring. Some predict huge climate changes will hit the world at an accelerated rate within a few years. A number of these predictions theorise that most life on earth will die out within 20 years. I personally think this is rather extreme as historically fluctuations in the earth’s temperature and sea level have been quite extreme at times.

Most of these apparently ‘natural’ historical states include ice ages and global warming. If data from deep within polar ice sheets are correct we currently have more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere than ever before. However much we are changing the climate with our society’s one fact is painfully obvious. The earth will change because it always has done, we are simply accelerating that change.

farming utopia

Even if our fragile food chains were to experience a 10% climatic impact of a full ice age it would soon be game over. Many models suggest we are overdue for an ice age which periodically reoccur in historical cycles.

If it is not the immediate trauma of climate shocks that will lead to the collapse it will probably be economic. When you look back at the crash of 2008 it is easy to the see the top end of our society is toxic. Corporate entities have become so powerful that they are beginning to influence our very democratic institutions. With recent political events in history it is clear to see their propaganda machine is beginning to crumble. With information never more available to the masses people are rejecting their own political systems and institutions.

Where do we go from here?

Wealthy capitalist nations are beginning to decline with living standards falling across the world. Young people can no longer afford to buy homes and aging populations are bankrupting the public purse. All of this while financial institutions get away scot free for their crimes and live in luxury. The financial unravelling of economic systems has already started to happen. Large economies with spiralling debt could force the collapse of civilisation at any time.

Survive the collapse

My only hope is the powers at be will try so hard to prevent it a series of serious reality checks will hit. Hopefully enough build up will enable people to realise our fragility and start to prepare for the future.

The truth is whenever the collapse of human civilisation occurs it will simply be a rebalancing of nature. Life will go on forests will return and nature will adapt. The question is will us? With the correct preparation, knowledge and ambition we can achieve a self sufficient existence. By doing this before a crisis will not only mean you will survive but break you free from a system of global slavery and ecological destruction.

self sufficient farms

The Future

Some humans can and will live on after the collapse of civilisation. With regenerative, permanent farming practices such as permaculture we could begin new societies based on ethics. We could become small farming villages once again living in harmony with nature. This is not going backwards or going back to the dark ages it is simply living within our ecological means.

The world belongs to all living things and in the end surviving the collapse will depend on us. Are we prepared to adjust our existence on the suns energy of today or the suns energy of the past? Fossil fuels such as oil cannot support the future of our civilisation forever.

wild living


Water purification

renewable power generation


Survival gear for hikers
How to prepare for a disaster
K tor Survival generators
Camping tripods
Camping gazebos

What are you going to do in preparation for surviving the inevitable collapse of civilisation?

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